All schedule notes here are subject to change. The Troop endeavors to notify Scouts of schedule changes and event details in the regular Troop meetings. When in doubt, check it out by calling your chain of leadership.
Troop meetings are held every Thursday 7:00 – 8:30 pm year-round in the Brentwood United Methodist Church, 309 Franklin Road, in the basement Youth Area except as noted here or otherwise announced.
Weather Policy Troop One follows the Williamson County School Weather Policy. If school is canceled the weekly Troop Meeting will be canceled. Check with your leadership and the Troop Calendar regarding other Troop activities.
Patrol Leader Council (PLC) meets every Thursday 6:30 – 7:00 pm year-round in the Brentwood United Methodist Church basement Youth Area except as noted here or otherwise announced.
Troop Games, when included in the program, are normally conducted on the grounds or in the meeting area, as befits the weather, program, and availability.
Committee Meetings are held the first Monday of each month beginning at 7:00 pm except as noted here or otherwise announced, and normally end before 8:30 pm.